
Colleen's thoughts on writing, directing and coaching, and her unique take on life itself!

Saturday, April 28, 2007


I am a warm blooded person. My hands are almost always quite warm - they are considered "healing" hands because of it.

No - I do not have a cold heart; my heart is actually quite warm.

(For those living in the 67 nations outside the US who read my blog, there's a saying here: "Warm hands, cold heart.")

What this means is that I easily tolerate cool temperatures.

My home studio is generally kept unintentionally cool because I don't feel cold until the thermostat hits like, 40F. That CP warm blood keeps me toasty.

When I held seminars here (I normally only coach one on one now), I would notice icicles dangling from the noses of participants before I would "get" that they were cold. It did seem a little strange that they would wear down jackets, muffler scarves, ear muffs and ski masks to the gatherings, but no one complained.

I wear short sleeves most of the time - even through Seattle winters (they aren't exactly Maine cold and snowy).

What I couldn't get over is that I didn't realize it was a serious problem until one day, I cranked up the heat to nearly 80 because one of my actors who needed an emergency session had a bad cold and I wanted to make certain she was as comfortable as she could be; I didn't want a cold environment to exacerbate her condition.

Shortly after she left, another of my favorite actors, Mitch, came in and, a little stunned, looked around and marveled, "Oh. My. God. Heat! What happened? Did you sell a book or something?"


Since then I've installed halogen heators for the room and ask folks if they're warm enough, even if I'm left to prespire as if I have flop sweat.

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