
Colleen's thoughts on writing, directing and coaching, and her unique take on life itself!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Using your cup?

I got a neti cup!

A couple years ago I worked on a film that dealt with east Indian cultural issues and learned about them. The fellow with whom I worked used one and demonstrated it for me, but for some reason I didn't think it was "for me."

For many years, I suffered with nasal stuffage, sinus problems, allergies and dreaded sinusitis - which can put me in bed with a very high fever for days.

Until my beloved primary health caretaker prescribed a daily inhalant (a steroid of the non-muscle building sort) and an antihistamine that does not cause drowsiness about five years ago. That was a great relief I've been primarily symptom-free since, and when I do develop symptoms of allergies, sinusitis, etc., I elevate my intake.

Well, turns out that by using the neti cup daily, I can enjoy the same symptom-free life without putting any chemicals in my body. More I don't have to suffer any symptoms as the call to increase the dosage of medications, no matter how effective they might be for treatment.

If you're new to the neti cup, simply fill it with a cup of warm water and 1/4 teaspoon salt. Pour the saline solution through your nasal passages by tilting your head to the side.

I finally understood what a great preventive and treatment tool it is when Dr. Oz showed how incredibly effective it is for all sorts of nasal problems on an Oprah show.

Watch him demonstrate how to use one here.

It's been used for centuries in other nations as a preventative and treatment measure.

I have to admit, the first time I used was a bit of a thrill. But each time after it only gets easier and faster, and my nasal passages not only feel better - free of any foreign matter, they're more open and feel as if they are huge caverns rather than straw holes!

Ahhhhh. I can breeeeeeaaaaathe!

And it unplugged my ears! I can hear!

ps - If you want to get one, I suggest you shop around online if there's no store in your area that sells them. Some dealers are charging more than necessary since the demand for them has increased. I paid a very fair price for the cup and the shipping.

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