
Colleen's thoughts on writing, directing and coaching, and her unique take on life itself!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Shalom! for any actor, writer, story teller

There's a program on the TLC Channel I highly recommend to all story telling artists: Shalom in the Home. It translates to, "Peace in the Home."

It's an individual personality/family/relationship reality series hosted by Rabbi Shmuley Boteach - and what I really love about it from a creative standpoint is that it shows the *causes* of personal unhappiness and family functionality/dysfunctionality.

The why of the person's self-defeating or self-destructive behavior is addressed

Any writer, actor or individual who creates or performs another individual can find a gold mine of "background" information for just about any personality or relationship situation - functional and dysfunctional.

This is definitely a show for people of all faiths and none, athough Rabbi Boteach points out systemic cultural problems that contribute to individual, relationship and family malaise that by some might be seen as spiritual. But the episodes I've seen have more of a common sense rather than strictly spiritual approach.

Some of the programs are very touching, others entertaining, amusing or riveting - each has been well worth my time as a viewer and an artist. Lots of good ideas and personalities there!


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