
Colleen's thoughts on writing, directing and coaching, and her unique take on life itself!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Trust plays a large part in the adventure of materializing anything considered "art."

Creative people must trust they can fabricate something out of "nothing," whether it's a book, story, script, dance, fashion, performance, painting, drawing, sculputure or film.

*How* we conceive ideas and concoct whatever we do is no secret.

Having a system helps - allowing material to float into the mind and soul (listen, view, touch, smell, taste, read), then cogitate, experience and express whatever has been let in; followed by the development of thoughts and concepts.

But the trust - or faith - element in the process means that we need to be open so the thoughts or visions from wherever can float in. If we restrict what we allow in, our vision will always be restricted.

Many artists consider the creative evolution a spiritual venture. Denzel Washington, in his Academy Award-winning role in Glory, said that he called upon spirits throughout the universe who could help him as he created his memorable performance for the film.

Others believe an energy moves through them, that their human artist acts in concert with a spiritual partner in the execution of their art.

Whatever beliefs we have about any spiritual element influencing our visions, it's always wise to explore them; in that journey alone we can discover as much about ourselves as we do the creative process.


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