
Colleen's thoughts on writing, directing and coaching, and her unique take on life itself!

Monday, February 12, 2007


I was thinking about the people to whom I feel most close.

Some I see frequently, others I don't.

Still, I have this warm sense that they're with me in spirit, somehow. As if their energy lingers, mingling in my aura so they are part of me in some molecular sense.

The reverse is true of other people - like, it doesn't matter how close we once were, or how often we might see each other now - their energy doesn't stick with me.

I don't know for sure what makes that happen, but I have a feeling it's a two way street.

Maybe it's like the old Beatles song The End says: "And in the end/the love you take/is equal to/the love you make."

As in, when you genuinely share your energy unconconditionally with someone - as a friend, as a coworker, as a lover, without any hidden agenda?

Your energy sticks around. People think about you. Ask about you. Wonder how you are.

If not? If someone hides who they are, is not generous with their energy or does things with an ulterior motive - not sharing honestly and fearlessly?

Their energy can disappear pretty quickly once they're out of sight. No one asks about them, no one wonders how they are - and in some cases, even where they are. At least that's been my experience.

Sounds a little simplistic.

But, I like simple.

I also like feeling the presence of those terrific people who have been so generous with their energy! They totally ROCK!


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