
Colleen's thoughts on writing, directing and coaching, and her unique take on life itself!

Friday, November 24, 2006


The concept of making mistakes is intriguing.

In art, it's crucial that the artist *want* to make mistakes, to put everything on the line in order to make adjustments until she or he finds just the right note, the right color, word, visual concept, shape, tone, subtext.

There can be no hedging, no hesitation, no equivocating, no guarded thought or concept or stroke of the brush.

It takes enormous courage to be a real artist - it is not for the faint of heart.

There are risks and rejection at every turn - not necessarily by others but the artist herself/himself. Like inventors, each misstep has to be experienced as a step closer to what the desired outcome should be.

Like Thomas Edison who said he made some 6,000 "mistakes" before he finally figured out how to successfully create the light bulb.

A mistake or error is defined as a miscalculation, misjudgment or inaccuracy.

What does it take to correct or dispell an error/mistake? Knowledge. Information, data or accurate communication.

Finding the correct knowledge to address a specific error can be tricky, but perhaps the most important element of this process is understanding that a mistake has been made.

If a minor error has been made - but the mistake is not acknowledged?

Chances are that mistake will mushroom exponentially without any awareness by the person who committed it - until, finally, the person realizes the small error was made way back when and somehow, unwittingly, it became so large it exploded.

Sometimes this happens from creating a mistaken, juvenile, notion as a kid. But until that notion is acknowledged as incorrect and addressed, it can grow into an unrecognizable wreck.

Explosions of error also occur when we fight fixing the problem - leaving it to infest and infect until it overflows.

What we resist persists.

Refusing to deal with an intentional or unintentional mistake leads to trying to cover up a painful reality - which not only makes it worse, but creates a legion of different - and larger - problems.

We see it all the time in political and business news: the mess-up isn't nearly as bad as the attempted cover up.

The truth always comes out, sooner or later.

The flip side of a mistake or error - which can be rectified with facts and knowledge - is illusion - which will never be rectified or fixed.

An illusion doesn't exist, except in the mind of the person who "sees" it.

The illusion of a mirage, for example, is believed to be a real image - but it does not exist. It's only a distortion of perceptions.

Again, if an illusion is believed to be real - it can never be recognized as a problem; so it cannot be rectified.

What is real? It's something that can be corrected with facts and genuine information and knowledge.

Illusions provide incredible, stunning drama for films, books, plays and other creative ventures.

They're not so much fun in real life.

I *love* studying this stuff.


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